Frequently Asked Questions
2065: The Multi-Sensory Movie
Where do I buy a ticket for the Movie and Rebel Pack?
Tickets will go on sale at 10am Monday 8th November. Tickets are £10 and you will receive your Rebel Pack and link to the movie by post. Tickets will go on sale at Eventbrite here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/2065-the-multi-sensory-movie-tickets-204428881287
How do I access the movie, you haven’t sent me a digital link?
The link to access the movie will arrive with your Rebel Pack. The link will be included within an instruction letter and the link will need to be typed directly into your web browser.
What makes it a multi-sensory experience?
The Rebel Pack is a box filled with sensory props! Throughout the movie the character of Frozen Light’s Archivist in Residence will tell you when to use the props so that you can experience the tastes, smells and textures of 2065.
What props will be in the box?
This is part of the surprise so you’ll have to wait and see! If you do need to know for health and safety reasons please contact us at info@frozenlighttheatre.com.
How long will it take for my box to arrive?
We will post your box from Friday 26th November. We hope it will arrive at your house within two working days but this will depend on the courier company. The first Rebel Packs will be posted out on Friday 26th November (those ordered within the pre sales).
Why do I have to provide my Shipping Address, mobile number and email when buying a ticket?
This is so that your Rebel Pack can be posted to you. The courier company will text and email you to confirm the time and date of delivery.
How will I know what to do with my Rebel Pack?
There will be an instruction letter that will arrive with your Rebel Pack. Read this before you watch the movie and it will give you all the information you need to do the experience. There is also a character in the film who guides you on the journey and prompts you to use your sensory props.
What if I just want to watch the movie without the sensory box?
The movie has been designed specifically to be experienced as a multi-sensory experience. If you want to just access the movie for whatever reason please email info@frozenlighttheatre.com and we can discuss this further.
I’m an artist who loves your work, can I buy a ticket?
We can’t control who buys tickets but as there are only 75 Rebel Packs available we really want to ensure they reach people with profound and multiple learning disabilities. If you want to watch the movie do contact us on info@frozenlighttheatre.com and we can discuss this further.
What age is 2065: The Multi-Sensory Movie suitable for?
The movie and Rebel Pack (sensory box) is designed for people 14+ with profound and multiple learning disabilities although it does not contain any inappropriate material for younger audiences.
What’s the difference between watching the movie in Chapters or Continuous?
Watching the movie in ‘Chapters’ gives you the chance to really take your time with the sensory moments as you only move onto watching the next section or ‘chapter’ of the movie when you are finished with the sensory moment you’re on. It does mean that you will need to click through on the device you’re using to the next chapter. There are 9 chapters in the movie. The ‘Continuous’ version of the movie allows you to watch the whole film without having to click through it, but there is only 30 seconds given to each sensory moment so it may be tricky to do it along with the sensory box – but a good way to watch it for repeat viewing!
Should I watch the movie in Chapters or Continuous?
We would advise the first time you watch the movie you use Chapters. This way you have an opportunity to really experience the full sensory experience.
Which devices can I watch the movie on?
You can watch the movie on a computer, tablet, mobile device or compatible smart TV. You could also attach your laptop to your TV with a HDMI cable to experience it on the TV.
Do I have a certain amount of time to watch the film/how long is the link active for?
The film will be available for the foreseeable future. We will let you know if we decide to take it down.
Can I buy a ticket for a group/class of people?
Each ticket is designed for one person with PMLD and their family/companion. If you would like to use the experience in a group/classroom setting we would ask that you buy a ticket per person doing the experience, this way everybody gets the props they need.
Can I order this if I am not based in the UK?
Unfortunately due to the postage on the box we are unable to deliver these outside of the UK. If you would like to just access the movie please give us an email on info@frozenlighttheatre.com and we can discuss this.
How do I request help?
If you have any further questions about how to experience the movie or any questions please email us at info@frozenlighttheatre.com. Alternatively you can call Amber on 07900240654 or Lucy on 07737567965
We love your movie! Is there a hashtag for our photos?
Please do tag us across our social media platforms and use the hashtag #2065TheMovie
f: frozenlighttheatre
t: @frozentheatre
i: @frozenlighttheatre