The Isle of Brimsker - Evaluation Report
Raising the Bar through Inclusive Theatre
(click above to read report)
An Evaluation of The Isle of Brimsker by Frozen Light- a multisensory theatre performance for adults with profound and multiple learning disabilities
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This report was undertaken by Annie Fergusson, an independent reviewer. The review process drew from a range of methodological approaches to gather together contextual information, theatre-visit observations and the views of a wide range of stake holders. Once collated the information was analysed against a quality assurance framework- ‘Supporting people with profound and multiple learning disabilities: Core and Essential Standards‘.
Annie has a long career working in the area of severe, profound and multiple learning disabilities as a practitioner, senior leader, university lecturer and researcher. She has worked as a consultant at local, national and international level to undertake reviews, produce guidance and influence policy to improve the outcomes for this population, their families and the professionals supporting them.
Annie is a long-standing journal editor and trustee for the charity PMLD LINK (www.pmldlink.org.uk) and co-author of the co-produced PMLD Standards, ‘Supporting people with profound and multiple learning disabilities: Core and Essential Service Standards’ (Doukas et al, 2017).
As a family carer, Annie is a member of the national advisory group for the Learning Disability Mortality Review Programme (LeDeR), bringing added insights from a lived experience of supporting and advocating for individuals with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD).