Trustee - Treasurer
Are you passionate about accessible theatre? Do you believe the arts can create social change? Join Frozen Light as a trustee with responsibility for finance as the board treasurer.
Frozen Light is the only company in the UK exclusively touring theatre for audiences with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD) to mainstream arts venues. Due to the lack of truly accessible experiences in the arts, people with PMLD are rarely able to experience or participate in live arts in their communities. Our mission is to change that.
We are seeking a Treasurer. This is a brilliant opportunity for someone with accountancy skills to join the board of Frozen Light.
We are particularly keen to recruit trustees from global majority communities currently underrepresented on our board. We use the term global majority to describe people who experience racial inequality.
We understand the value that a mixed range of voices will bring to our charity and aspire to a governance which reflects the diversity of Frozen Light’s audience.
Being a trustee is an opportunity to be a part of the Frozen Light team, to influence the development of the company and to advocate for the rights of audience members with PMLD to access culture in their communities. It is a voluntary unpaid role.
We very much welcome people who have no previous trustee experience to join our board and will offer training to build relevant skills and understanding. Being a trustee is a great way to develop your leadership skills. Come and join us!
Contact us: lucy@frozenlighttheatre.com or call Lucy on 07737 567965 to apply or just to chat informally about this opportunity.